Over 30 Years of InterAct International’sMission and Ministry

The Apostle Paul wrote, “...I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me….” (2 Corinthians 2:12). Inspired by this truth, in the early 1990s, a group of Christians in South Carolina became deeply aware of the many doors God had opened worldwide. These opportunities called for action to:

  • Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ where the free gift of eternal life was still unknown

  • Train and equip national pastors in Biblical ministries

  • Provide charitable material assistance to those in need

  • Collaborate with fellow believers globally to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord, as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20.

To respond more effectively to these opportunities, InterAct International was established in 1993 by a committed group of Great Commission Christians. Incorporated as a non-profit organization in South Carolina, InterAct International has remained steadfast in its purpose, organized “exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, and educational” initiatives as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Since its founding, the IRS has recognized InterAct International as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, making it eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.

Over Three Decades of Global Impact

For over 30 years, InterAct International has sent individuals and groups on short-term and mid-term mission trips to dozens of countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Through God’s provision and guidance, we have been privileged to:

  • Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to countless individuals and large gatherings.

  • Share the Gospel in one-on-one conversations with poor children & street orphans in African slums, while providing them clothing, food, and hope for a brighter future.

  • Collaborate with other missionary organizations to support their ongoing ministries in regions with limited Christian presence.

  • Distribute thousands of Gospel tracts and Bibles in America and in countries worldwide, ensuring the Word of God reaches those who’ve never heard of His saving grace.

  • Engage in ministry in nations where Jesus Christ is not known, courageously bringing the Good News to places with little to no Christian presence.

  • Partner with national pastors to train and equip local congregations for Bible-based ministry and evangelism.

  • Conduct business seminars in Europe and Asia, pairing them with invited dinner events to openly present the Gospel to attendees.

  • Provide material aid to alleviate poverty in many nations, reflecting Christ’s love through action.

  • Train Russian Christians in effective methods for one-on-one evangelism, equipping them to reach their own communities with the message of Jesus Christ.

Reaching the Nations Through Strategic Missions

InterAct International has hosted evangelistic events on university campuses in dozens of countries, especially in the former Soviet Union as Communism was falling. These efforts sparked the formation of Christian student and faculty groups, which have since continued as vital campus ministries. These groups were built in partnership with local churches and international campus organizations to ensure long-term impact.

Additionally, our mission has reached elementary and secondary school educators in former Communist nations during the transition after the fall of the Iron Curtain, sharing the Gospel in ways that deeply resonated with those seeking truth and hope. InterAct has also conducted short courses on Biblical counseling for pastors, missionaries, and believers in several European countries, empowering them to serve their communities with grace and wisdom.

Fulfilling the Great Commission

Since the early 1990s, God has used InterAct International to open doors and hearts to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through the dedication of countless volunteers and partners, we have had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with thousands of people who had never heard its life-transforming message. Volunteers have ministered in diverse ways, from distributing Bibles and tracts, to sharing meals with business professionals, to walking into slums with clothing and food for those in need.

By equipping local pastors and believers in missionary-needy nations, we continue to empower them to carry on the Lord’s Great Commission in their communities and beyond.

As we look back on these 30 years of ministry, we give all the glory to God for the countless lives He has touched through InterAct International. It is our prayer that He will continue to open new doors, so that together with our global partners, we can faithfully make disciples who themselves make more disciples for generations to come.